As I'm writing this, the Mer Betta courier is going through the list and checking it twice. A bit late for Christmas, but better late than never.
First, it is sending out the Mer Betta Eddy base pack to all customers from history. Yes, even those of you who own Series 1 and Series 2 tails. I'm sure a number of those people are no longer in SL, but, oh, well.
I've decided to be more generous to Mer Betta collectors who own four or more tails (base packs) from Series 3, Series 4, Series 5, Series Bridal, and Series RFL. They get the base pack with the HUD.
After it's done with that list, it will send out the Mer Betta SkimSurfaceSimple script v2.0 to customers who purchased the script separately or a tail that includes the script. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL UPGRADE. But v1.0 works well with your AO (that is, if your head and shoulders are above water when it is turned on), then you don't need this upgrade. But save it anyway, in case you get a new AO later and you need to adjust the hover height.
This might take me a few days to do, because the service I use to resolve names to UUIDs has a limit per day. So, please be patient.
If you have not received yours after Jan 15, please contact me (Opal Lei).