Sunday, December 20, 2009

Emerald bug revisited

As I write this blog, the Mer Betta Shipping Department ;) is sending out packages with updated components for the Series 3 v3c and Series 4 v3.1c tails. The updated components (leg smoother and tail fins) will have "v3ce" and "v3.1ce" in the names. The only difference is that the scale textures are 256x256 pixels, instead of 32x32 as in the original version. You won't see a difference just by looking at them.

This update is a workaround for the Emerald texture bug. I realized that even though the developer of Emerald offered a workaround for the viewer to work well, not everybody around you might know about the problem and, therefore, not see the tail correctly. So, even though you're not using Emerald yourself, you might want to wear these components anyway for others around you who might be using Emerald.

Please keep the original versions of those components, however. When Emerald is fixed, the original components help with lag since the textures are smaller.

If you don't receive the package with the updated components, please contact me inworld.

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