A week or so ago, Archis Writer contacted me about the color of her tail changing everyday. It was she who thought it was the Emerald viewer because when she met with me, she saw that the tail I was wearing had the same problem and I was seeing both of us just fine. I wondered if it might also be her Windlight settings, but I didn't pursue that possibility.
Today, Gavin Wrexan sent me this photo of his tail:
Thinking it was a corrupted inventory, I sent him a fresh copy, but he said that even the new copy had problems. So, I met with him and he rezzed his tail. We both took pictures and the tail looks different between the two pictures.
What I saw:

What Gavin saw:

He is using Emerald and he had already tried clearing his cache, so I'm now convinced that it's Emerald. If I hear from someone having texture problems using the latest SL client, then it might be the SL API that Emerald is based on. I'm still on the 1.22.11 version of the LL client, since the newest version of the LL client and the Emerald client are making me lag down to 4 fps.
I'm not sure how to file bugs for the Emerald client. I've asked Gavin to report the bug and I can't remember if I've asked Archis as well. I'll post more information here if I find out more.
2009 Dec 8 UPDATE
Aviendha Vayandar encountered the same problem and she tested it on the latest SL client (v1.23.5). It looked fine there, and when she returned to Emerald, it was fine in Emerald again.
I wondered if the bug was caused by the texture being on sculpted prims or by the texture being tiny (32x32 pixels). Aviendha noted that when the texture was corrupted, what she saw in the texture box of the edit window is a small yellow spot in the top left corner (she has the Byzia tail) and the rest of the texture box was red. When the texture was fixed, the entire texture box was the correct yellow texture. So, it's more likely that the bug has to do with the tiny size of the texture.
Aviendha has graciously filed a bug here, and I sent an email to the developer.
And I thought I was helping cut down on lag by using small textures where I could. Who knew I'd trigger an obscure bug? :D
This looks like it is a problem caused by the openjpeg image processor. The normal linden client uses kdu, and emerald is suposed to as well.
It seems that for whatever reason the installer to do this didn't work out right, so you may need to do it manually.
To fix.. on windows, go to your program files, and your second life folder. Copy all of the .dll files inside of there, and paste them inside the emerald folder. When it asks you if you wish to replace, say NO
Thanks much, Greg!
What about on a Mac? It doesnt seem right to ask the maker for money back because the texture cant be viewed. Does anyone know a workaround for the Macintosh system?
Nick, you might want to post that question in the Emerald forums. What I've done is I've replaced my tiny textures with larger ones instead, because even if my customers did the workaround, the people around them may not know about it and still see the textures as bad.
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